Environmental Impact of Recycling Junk Cars

One of the most prevalent issues facing the world today is climate change. As temperatures rise and effects on modern life continue to worsen, many are wondering what they can do to offset the impact our collective (in)actions will have on our environment. One way the average citizen can work to reduce their carbon footprint is by recycling old cars. Clearing your garage or driveway of a used or non-functioning car not only creates space and puts some extra cash in your pocket, but ensures hazardous liquids and chemicals are disposed of in a safe way. Moreover, eco-friendly car disposal provides recycled parts and materials to motorists at discount prices, and conserves resources in mining and manufacturing. The beneficial environmental impact of recycling junk cars through sustainable auto disposal simply cannot be ignored!

The Environmental Impact of Recycling Junk Cars:  A Three-Pronged Benefit

1 – Safe Removal of Hazardous Liquids & Chemicals 

Many motorists may not realize it, but a car is a storehouse of hazardous and potentially toxic chemicals and liquids. Everything from gasoline to motor oil to even windshield washer fluid carries the potential to destroy the environment if exposed to it. The danger increases if these noxious liquids manage to seep into water supplies, as they can threaten animal and human life with severe disease and even death.

The beneficial impact of recycling junk cars becomes evident when motorists realize that scrap yards like Scrapy are mandated by provincial law to safely remove any and all hazardous and toxic chemicals from every car they buy- as soon as they arrive on the lot! Through eco-friendly car disposal practices such as these, these liquids avoid contaminating the environment and are recycled for further use!

2 – Conservation of Space and Resources 

An automobile is a large piece of equipment, and opting to trash it only means more space taken up at your local dump or landfill. Recycling old cars slows down the expansion of landfills and keeps them from overtaking valuable real estate that could be used for things like parks, playgrounds, and homes.

Another beneficial environmental impact of recycling old junk cars is a reduction in the use of the resources needed to construct them. Energy and manpower spent mining, processing, manufacturing, and transporting automobile parts and materials is exponentially reduced when old or non-functioning cars are recycled. This takes the strain off the natural environment and conserves energy sources such as gas and oil.

3 – Economic Savings

Aside from saving energy and resources, recycling old cars reduces car waste significantly by offering motorists the opportunity to buy refurbished parts at discount prices. Amongst the most popular used car parts sought out by motorists are tires, bumpers, and head/tails lights. On average, used parts can cost anywhere from 40% to 70% of the retail price- an incredible savings by any metric! Practices such as these will help bolster sustainable auto disposal  techniques while saving valuable money!

For more information on the beneficial environmental impact of recycling junk cars, or to begin the process of selling your car, contact Scrapy  today! 

Steps to Prepare Your Junk Car for Removal

Prepare Your Junk Car for Removal

You’ve bitten the bullet, done your research, and have decided to sell your non-functioning car to a scrap yard. The question is: what now? Are there any documents you need to prepare before the sale? What about cleaning out the car- are you expected to remove anything? How about towing? Does the scrap yard supply the service or do you have to book it yourself through a third party? To help you prepare your junk car for removal, Scrapy has put together a short list of tips and pointers to make everything about selling non-running cars as efficient and easy as possible!

Prepare the Documentation for Your Junk Car

With the hustle and bustle involved in getting your car appraised (such as cleaning it, getting it touched up/repaired, and clearing a path to it in your garage), many vendors forget that selling a non-running car is as much a clerical and legal process as it is a physical one. To facilitate that process, you’ll need to gather some important documents, the chief of which will be the Title of Ownership. Without it and from a legal standpoint, the transfer of ownership will not take place, even if money and the keys have been exchanged. This can leave the former owner of the car (I.e. you) liable for things such as traffic violations, parking tickets and any crime your old car happens to be involved with. To prepare your junk car for removal, it’s essential to have the necessary documentation ready.

Clean Out Your Junk Car

Aside from gathering pertinent documentation, preparing your junk car for removal also means vacating the car of personal belongings and equipment. Once your car is towed from your premises, you won’t be able to search the trunk, glove compartment or seats for things like loose change, window scrapers, or hood ornaments, so it’s best to collect your items before your car is taken away. Be as thorough as you can with the removal. Aside from obvious items such as baby seats, car jacks, and snow shovels, dig deep to remove things like spare keys, keepsakes and seat covers. 

As well, you should ensure that the path to your car is clear of debris. That means moving things like seasonal equipment, storage boxes and other clutter in your garage away from the vehicle. This will provide the towing crew with an unobstructed workspace with which they can remove your car quickly and efficiently.

Towing: Preparing Your Junk Car for Removal

In these instances, the expectation is that the client will arrange towing through a third-party towing company. 

Thankfully, Scrapy has its own in-house team for junk car towing. Once your car is sold to Scrapy, a towing date will be arranged and our team will pick up your car, free of charge and with no hidden fees

For more tips on preparing your junk car for removal, or to get an offer for your vehicle, contact Scrapy today! 

A Trouble Free Vehicle Disposal | Easy Junk Car Removal

A Trouble Free Vehicle Disposal

Selling your used or non-functioning car should be a quick, easy, and painless process. However, many motorists are still under the impression that selling their automobiles will be an intricate and labor-intensive ordeal. That assumption is still true- if they decide to sell the car to a private buyer. Conversely, if they decide to sell to a scrap yard like Scrapy, a trouble free vehicle disposal is assured! Scrapy prides itself on a quick, efficient and profitable disposal of your vehicle. Scrapy guarantees this by offering a plethora of user-friendly services that will make you wish you had more used cars to sell! 

Selling Privately = More Time & Effort

Selling your used or non-functioning car to a private buyer does carry some benefits. First and foremost, it will allow you to set your own price and hold out for as long as you wish until somebody meets it, guaranteeing a large profit margin. Secondly, it allows you to sell the car at your own pace, taking as long or as short a time as you want.

That’s where the benefits end and the drawbacks begin. First of all, in order to sell your car at the optimum price, you’ll need to fix it if there’s anything wrong with it. This includes everything from engine trouble to minor scratches, which means time and money spent at the garage. As well, you’ll have to take pictures of your car from favorable angles, and create and post ads online or for newspapers/local magazines. Finally, and perhaps most excruciatingly, you’ll have to spend multiple evenings and weekends meeting with potential buyers, who will no doubt be looking for ways to drive your price down.

If this type of effort, time, and money being spent is no bother to you, then you may want to consider selling privately. However, if you’d like to sell your car quickly, efficiently, at no cost, and trouble free- consider a vehicle disposal through a scrap yard like Scrapy.

Contact Scrapy for A Trouble Free Vehicle Disposal

Selling a car to a scrap yard like Scrapy is a quick, efficient and trouble free vehicle disposal method. Simply access our website with all your car’s pertinent information (i.e. make, model, year, condition, etc.) and input it to receive your quote. (It may also be a good idea to retrieve your vehicle’s Title of Ownership, record of accident/repair/modification, and insurance information to help with the process). 

Once you receive your quote and accept, you can book your towing date. Scrapy has an in-house towing team they will dispatch to pick up your car free of charge. They will also pay you, in cash, on the date of your tow. 

And that’s it. From getting the quote to towing to payment, Scrapy has you covered for a trouble free vehicle disposal!

What You Should Do

One thing you should do after you’ve confirmed a sale and towing date with Scrapy is clean out and around your car. For an optimum trouble free vehicle disposal, it’s  imperative to clean your car of mementoes, tools, and equipment. As well, you should clear the space around your car of debris like storage boxes, seasonal equipment, and heavy equipment like lawnmowers or snowblowers. This will streamline the pick-up process and make your vehicle removal quick and effortless.

Don’t wait another second! For a trouble free vehicle disposal contact Scrapy today! 

Tips For Selling a Car to a Scrap Yard

Benefit From Some Scrap Car Selling Tips


Selling your used or non-functioning car for scrap can seem like an arduous task. Not many people know who to contact for a quote, what the sales process is like, how much they can expect to get for their car, how to prepare their car for a sale, and perhaps most of all, who they can trust to do business with. 

While these are all legitimate concerns, they can be easily assuaged with a little knowledge. The professionals at Scrapy have assembled some scrap car selling tips that will make the process as easy as turning a key in the ignition! 

Scrap Car Selling Tip #1 – Do Your Research

Before any attempt at selling your car is undertaken, you should do your research in two main areas: 1) the market value of your car, and 2) the company/scrap yard you’ll be selling your car to.

Car Value

There are a myriad of factors involved in estimating your car’s value, not the least of which are the car’s make, model, condition, and history of major damages, repairs, and/or modifications. To estimate your car’s worth, you can visit websites like Carfax or Kelley Blue Book. You can also visit some used car lots, scrap yards, and garages to get a valuation. Getting a ballpark average of the prices you can expect for your car can help you determine your minimum sales price, as well as who to trust when you approach a potential scrap yard buyer.

Choosing A Scrap Yard

Speaking of scrap yards, a sound scrap car selling tip is to thoroughly research the company you are doing business with. 

You should first check that the company has a website that is easy to find, regularly updated, and is user-friendly, which indicates a serious attitude towards business. When researching your company’s history, it’s generally a good sign if the company has been around for decades and has franchised, indicating quality and customer satisfaction with the services. Finally, when researching a company’s reputation, check third-party websites like Yelp for unbiased reviews, as well as opinions from trusted friends and family who may have previously dealt with the company.

Scrap Car Selling Tip #2 – Clean Out Your Car

Once you’ve called the scrap yard, accepted their offer, and booked your towing date, it’s time to clean out your car. Not only will this safeguard cherished mementos, tools, and equipment, but it will facilitate the removal of your scrap car from your premises in a quick and efficient manner. Items like loose change, kleenex containers, baby seats, car jacks, and ice scrapers should be removed from your car before the towing crew arrives- not during their visit! Failure to do so will only prolong or cancel your car’s removal.

Another vital scrap car selling tip is to clean the space on top of and around your car, so that the extraction is quick, smooth, and reduces the chances of property damage or injury. After all, the towing crew is mandated to remove a scrap car– not storage boxes, lawnmowers, or bicycles blocking their path!

For more scrap car selling tips or to sell your car today, contact Scrapy.

Determining Your Scrap Car Value

If your automobile has or is fast approaching the point of being non-functional, the time to consider scrapping it may be just around the corner. However, before you actually pick up the phone or go online to contact a scrap yard like Scrapy, it’s vitally important to know your scrap car’s value. 

Determining that value is fairly simple, but requires a little legwork on the part of the vendor.  Researching your car’s market value should be performed so you know, more or less, what you can expect as an offer for vehicle. Also, you’ll need to find a reputable scrap yard company who you can trust to do business with. 

Scrap Car Value Through Research

Unless you’re a car aficionado or a mechanic, appraising your used or non-functioning vehicle is going to take a little research. First and foremost, you should take note of your car’s make, model, and condition. Finding out the make and model should be as simple as looking at your vehicle, but gauging its condition is a tad more involved. 

You should begin by finding records of any major accidents, repairs, or modifications your car has gone through. Next, you will want to take pictures of (as well as dutifully itemize) any defects your car may have. Armed with all this knowledge, you can begin combing through websites like Carfax or Edmunds to get an average estimate for your car. You can also take that information (or the car itself, if it’s running) to several nearby scrap yards or garages to get comparative estimates as well.

Find A Trusted Scrap Yard Company

Determining your scrap car’s value is the first step. The second is getting someone to actually pay you that value. To do this, you need a scrap yard company with a reputation for honesty and efficiency in its operations.

You can begin your search on the internet, looking for scrap yards near you that have good reviews on independent websites like Yelp. Through the course of your research, if you see that a scrap yard has been operating for a long time, is part of a chain and has multiple locations, you can be reasonably assured of its pedigree and reputation. Finally, you can rely on word-of-mouth from trusted members of your family, friends, or colleagues.

Raw Material Round-Up

The main way scrap yards make use of old and non-functioning vehicles is to either:

  1. strip them for parts, refurbish and resell them, or
  2. leave them, intact, on the lot so customers can pick the parts they need themselves.

In both scenarios, once the car is clear of usable and functioning parts, scrap yards like Scrapy will sell whatever remains of the car to recycling plants. 

Some research into the market value of raw materials like steel, aluminum, rubber and tempered glass comes in handy before you sell your car to a scrap yard. It may be more advantageous and potentially profitable for you to sell your car when the value of these materials is higher rather than lower. In any event, knowing what the going price for them is will definitely help you anticipate your scrap car value.

For more information on determining your scrap car value, or to sell your car today, contact Scrapy!

When To Scrap A Car?

Recognizing It’s Time to Scrap A Car

In many ways, owning an automobile is like owning a nice leather jacket or a pair of comfortable shoes: over time, you become so accustomed to that “perfect fit” that you just can’t bring yourself to part with the item! This accounts for closets full of ratty old jackets, shoes filled with holes, and garages filled with old scrap cars that should have been thrown out years, if not decades ago. When it comes to scrapping a car, practicality should trump emotional attachment- unless you have space on your property for a car museum. As well, your car will give you some not-so-subtle signs it’s ready to be scrapped, like habitual repairs that cost more than the car is worth, or an accident that has rendered your car undriveable. 

Simple Math: Scrap A Car ? Repairs > Value

The average lifespan of a car is roughly ten years. The weather and road conditions you drive under, as well as the general wear and tear you routinely subject your car to, will determine how soon and how frequently in your car’s life you’ll consistently need repairs. For example, if you work from home in a temperate environment and rarely leave your house, your car should not experience problems until late in its lifespan. However, if you’re an UberEats driver in a city filled with snow and potholes half the year round, expect to be on a first-name basis with your mechanic. 

Although effecting repairs on your car is to be expected as an owner, if you’re visiting your mechanic more than the grocery store or your repairs are totalling more per year than your car is worth, you need to seriously consider scrapping your car. After all, at this point, your car is nothing more than a black hole sucking in time and money. It makes infinitely more sense to scrap a car and use the money for a downpayment on a new one. 

Scrap A Car When It Can’t Be Sold

There are several other reasons scrapping a car may be a car owner’s only option to get rid of it for a profit.

For one, scrapping a car is infinitely easier than selling it privately. Rather than spending time and money altering your car to have it look its best for ads, crafting the ad itself, and meeting with a slew of prospective buyers, simply log on to Scrapy‘s website, input the details of your car, receive your quote, and schedule your free towing date- it’s quick, easy, painless, and profitable!

Another reason to scrap a car may be the fact that it is damaged beyond repair. If you’ve been in an accident that has rendered your car undrivable, it makes good financial sense to sell it for scrap rather than keep it collecting dust in your garage. As well, your car may not even be worth enough to a prospective buyer due to age and/or condition. In that case, it’s better to sell it for scrap and make some money than to hold on to it for no reason at all!

Don’t wait any longer- contact Scrapy today to turn your scrap car into cash!

Things To Do Before You Scrap A Car

Things To Do Before Scrapping A Car

So you’ve finally decided to sell that old, non-functioning jalopy gathering dust in your garage for scrap. Before you run to your computer to log on to Scrapy‘s website to receive your quote, there are a couple of things to do before scrapping a car you should be aware of. 

Things to Do Before Scrapping A Car: The List

Taking note of the following tips will ensure you have a smooth, easy, and profitable transaction that will have you wishing you had more cars to sell!

#1 – Get Your Paperwork in Order

Selling your car, even for scrap, is a legal process that requires the appropriate documentation. Without it, a sale may still be possible, but the process will be severely hampered and will definitely take more time. To streamline your sale, it’s best to find your title of ownership, registration, and insurance information and have them on hand when you begin the process.

Similarly, if your car has been in any major accidents that required extensive repairs or you’ve made significant modifications, it’s a good idea to have the documentation for that on hand as well. Repairs and modifications can affect your sales price, so it’s best to provide that information as quickly and definitively as you can. 

#2 – Know Your Car’s Condition

It may seem like a no-brainer, but one of the things to do before scrapping a car is to familiarize yourself with your car’s condition. Make sure you know the make, model, and year of your car, as well as the mileage. Since you’ve already searched for and attained the records of your car’s major repairs and modifications, keep those handy as well. Even small details like the types of wheels and tires your car uses can augment the final sales price of your car, so providing as many details as possible about your car’s condition is key!

#3 – Clean, Clean, Clean

Once you’ve got your towing date squared away, it’s time to get the last thing to do before scrapping a car underway: cleaning both in and around your car. Not with soap, water, and a vacuum, mind you, but emptying out your car of valuables. 

First, take anything out of the trunk and glove compartment you may want or need, like tools, equipment, washer fluid, or small items like books or pairs of glasses. Then, search the nooks and crannies of your car for souvenirs, spare change, breath mints, or anything else you’d care to keep. You should also clear your car of big-ticket items like baby seats. If you know your way around an automobile or have a friend who’s a mechanic, you can try removing some valuable parts to sell online for some extra cash, like sound systems, catalytic converters, or rims. 

Once all that has been removed from your car, be sure to remember to take off its license plate. Also, you should clear a path to your car so that Scrapys towing crew can access it with ease. If the car is in your garage, make sure there are no obstructions like boxes, lawnmowers, or storage bins around or on top of your car. This will make sure your car is removed quickly and you get paid fast!

To receive your quote and book your towing appointment, visit Scrapy’s website today!

Fast and Convenient Car Removal

The Car Removal Conundrum

It’ll happen to every car owner sooner or later. After months or even years of frequent visits to the garage, your mechanic will give you the terrible news: there’s nothing left to be done with your car and it’s time to get rid of it. Many drivers will try to ride it out, seeing how many extra miles they can squeeze out of their vehicle before the ignition finally dies. However, make no mistake- when your car finally stops working, you’ll need to figure out how to move that two-ton paperweight out of your garage or driveway. Sure, you can break your head and waste your time trying to figure out how to do it yourself, or you can put your trust in Scrapy, the experts at car removal and recycling. 

Make Space at a Fast Pace

Once a car stops working, it generally ends up housed in a driver’s garage. More often than not, this is the result of a well-intentioned desire to have it removed, but a lack of active steps taken to do so. Work, home, kids, or even simple laziness can hamper even the strongest wills to “get on the phone and take care of the car removal,” which would require calling a towing company and scrap yard to set up separate appointments. Understandably, carving out the time to make multiple phone calls may not be a priority, resulting in your car sitting in your garage and gathering dust.

Also, unless you have an emotional attachment to your car or plan to have its insides rebuilt by a professional, keeping such a large and non-functioning contraption in your garage or driveway is a waste of space; if you’re not going to use it, get rid of it! Barring the fact that you’ll probably need the space for another car, you can make use of the area in your garage to store things like seasonal equipment (i.e. lawnmowers, snowblowers, etc.), bicycles, storage containers, and even appliances. 

To make space and save time, skip the multiple calls and deal with one company that has the experience, expertise, and efficiency in car removal: Scrapy.

Car Removal Convenience with Scrapy

Calling towing companies and independent scrap yards is a convoluted process that prolongs the time you need to remove your car from your premises. It makes more sense to contact a company that specializes in car removal, like Scrapy, as they can remove your vehicle quickly and efficiently. 

Scrapy stands apart from other car removal companies in that their website has a user-friendly interface that allows you to plug in all your car’s information (i.e. make, model, mileage, registration, the title of ownership, etc.) to receive your quote, rather than engaging in a long and laborious phone interview. Once your quote is accepted, Scrapy‘s site will redirect you to arrange a towing date that accommodates your schedule. Scrapy‘s towing crew will come to your house, free of charge, remove your vehicle, and pay you, in cash, on the same date. Engaging in car removal has never been easier!

No need to wait for car removal- visit Scrapy and book your appointment today!

What are the benefits when I recycle my ride?

Every journey between a car owner and his ride ends in either a scrapyard or a landfill. However, many individuals don’t seem to realize the benefits of the former compared to the latter, both for themselves and for the environment. Recycling your ride is not only easy and convenient, but it can also instantaneously provide you with some much-needed cash…

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